OTM Plans Europe Conference and Retreat Focused on Raising Leaders of Tomorrow

Olivet Teen Mission International sees a need for establishing the ministry more firmly in Europe and is organizing plans to a conference and retreat in the UK in the coming weeks.
OTM headquarters leaders will meet with Olivet Assembly UK and OA Europe church leaders to better understand their local context and give ministry presentations to parents, leaders and students. They will visit London and the OA Europe headquarters at Olivet Center Europe just south of the capital.
A parenting seminar will give guidance on raising teens to better understand emotional, physical and spiritual development of early adolescence. It will also include how parents and church members can raise teens to grow in the love of God. Members and parents will be informed on how to recruit volunteers and develop a teen mission program.
OTM leaders from North America, Asia Pacific and Europe will also gather at this time to discuss plans for raising teens in the church who will become the leaders of tomorrow. The conference will cover topics such as education, camps and leadership training. Please pray that God can guide the preparations so it may be an effective meeting.