Olivet Teen Mission Holds National Leaders Meeting, Daily Evangelism, Engine for Revival

On September 26th, Olivet Teen Mission International held its weekly national leaders’ conference. This week’s main theme was “Daily Evangelism, Engine for Revival”.
The moderator shared reports on a number of updates recently shared from affiliated bodies. It was addressed that now is the time to make concerted efforts beyond nations to revitalize active evangelism.
“OTM International has the goal to raise 70,000 members, leaders, and volunteers. There are so many teens that are hurting and longing for the word of God,” said the leader.
Various reports and news were also shared including the current progress from OTM Mongolia, Europe, and cities in the United States. OTM leaders from different countries discussed evangelism tools and resources as well as contextual methods that apply to local grounds.
OTM is endeavoring to diversify evangelism tools that appeal to teens deeply and profoundly. May their prayers bear the fruit of saving many teens who are wandering.