OTM Concludes Jubilee Music & Dance Camp, Exhorts Teens to Live for Righteousness
Olivet Teen Mission USA concluded the Jubilee Music and Dance Camp in St. Louis with a closing service on July 8.
Participating teens heard a message which included a passage from Romans 6. They were exhorted to offer themselves as instruments of righteousness and to not allow sin to be their master any longer.
They were also encouraged to know more the cross and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In view of that sacrifice, they were exhorted to live a life that is holy and pleasing to God. The message emphasized how the life of Christians is related to sanctification.
After the message, teens reflected in writing and through preparing their testimonies about how God worked in their lives through the camp. They also thought about how they can hold on the grace they received from God once they return to their cities of origin.
May God continue to guide the teens so they can put into practice what they learned.