New OTM HQ Resources to Support Chapter & Church Teen Summer Programs

Outreach, Teen Discipleship |

Marching towards Pentecost altogether in faith, Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) HQ has continued to create resources for outreach programs and discipleship, which will be used for the summer. Since summer is a very important time of the year, not only will churches and chapters focus on evangelizing the teens but also to raise the current teens that are in the church. So OTM urges each chapter and church to use the resources well.

The outreach resource will include a total of two manuals. This resource will cover basic outlines for schedules and ideas for activities. For now, the resource has the general outlines for weekly events and a three-day vacation bible program for teens, but soon more details and resources will be made by OTM HQ. When all the resources are made, churches and chapters can easily access them and follow the steps one by one.

The discipleship program will be exceedingly important for churches and the chapters. Churches with teens can use this manual to help each teen to grow deeper in their faith during the summer.

More resources are will be created and already OTM HQ has been connecting with churches to unite on how to implement these resources. Please pray for the resources to be quickly created so that they may be used for the teens during the summer.

May the great power of the Holy Spirit be upon each church and chapter. May the Spirit of Truth empower all the people to be passionate about building the Kingdom of God.