OTM Mongolia Experiences Revival: New Members, Newcomers, Evangelism

With Pentecost preparations and other projects in progress, this week has been very active. Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) has still seen God’s amazing work being done. This week, Mongolia has been continually and constantly bringing in more teens thirsty for the Truth, by receiving registered members and having many Bible Studies. OTM hopes that God can continue watching over and guiding the leaders and teens in Mongolia and other places in the world.
Mongolia Welcomed Two Registered Members
Two teens joined OTM as members. They have been studying Romans and the Four Spiritual Laws with the Mongolian church leader every day and they join services regularly. OTM prays that they may be raised as faithful disciples of Jesus who will help build God’s Kingdom.
Mongolia Received First Newcomers of June
OTM Mongolia received two newcomers who have received a deep understanding of God and His existence through Romans 1. Both of these members seem interested in continuing Bible studies, so OTM asks for prayers for them to understand God’s Word and His love.
Mongolian Newcomer Invites Friends to Bible Study
An OTM Mongolian new member evangelized her school friends. They studied Romans 1 with the OTM Mongolia leader and they shared about their situation and understood the sin of man. He schedules to study the Bible every day, so OTM asks for prayers for him to receive God’s love deeply and study the Word well.
Mongolian Group Bible Study of 5 Newcomers
Through God’s grace and mercy, five newcomers and two members joined for a ground Bible Study, studying Romans 1 with the OTM Mongolian leader. These newcomers have learned of God’s existence and may these teens be kept in your prayers so that they may come for Bible Studies again.
Through witnessing and experiencing God’s grace firsthand through the abundance of newcomers in Mongolia, OTM wishes that teen mission can spread globally so all teens can come to accept Christ and that Mongolia can continue evangelizing and holding Bibles Studies.