OTM Outreach & Discipleship Summer Programs to Focus on, For Churches & Chapters

Summer is just a few weeks away! Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) is actively preparing to catch many teens in the season and guide them to use their free time for God. Olivet churches and chapters are especially being guided to focus on preparing for various summer programs, both outreach and membership trainings, to not let the opportunity God has set before them to waste. Both programs are to be as onsite as possible.
Outreach Programs
Churches and chapters can hold outreach programs in order to evangelize teens. Outreach programs can be as simple as group Bible Studies with snacks for after the message and are very helpful to bring teens in. Other ideas churches can have are teen night fellowships, clubs, some sort of skill training (such as design, music, writing), etc. With school out, most teens have handfuls of time to spare that they want to use somewhere. They are more open to trying new things, doing activities, traveling, etc. Churches and chapters should try to make the programs interesting and fun.
Discipleship Training
Discipleship training, as the name implies will be offered to those who are already members of OTM and the church. The program can last for a full day, or range throughout several days. But the program should offer a platform for teens to intensely listen to messages and actively serve the church.
Many teens are now suffering from anxiety, depression, and loneliness, alongside other pressing issues such as drug abuse, identity crises, sexual promiscuity, and more (although these issues have become less prominent). There are many lost, broken teens in this world who need to know that they are not alone, that they are loved, and that they can be powerfully used by God. Many teens spend a lot of time online, but there is limitation to online gathering, which is why OTM wants to bring them onsite. Therefore, in the season of vivacity, OTM wishes to reach out to teens and to bring them onsite to experience community through other believers and teens.
Overall, churches and chapters should take this as an opportunity to outreach to teens and raise current members. OTM HQ will also give more guidance about this. More materials will be made so that chapters and churches can implement this easily.