OTM Departments Preparing Workshops for New Members

Olivet Teen Mission(OTM) Student Departments are aiming to prepare video workshops for new teen members in the preparation for OTM world that will launch very soon. OTM world will unite and help raise new chapter members, so the goal is to provide video workshops for the members to help them grow their faith and teach practical skills on serving in the community.
OTM student departments are preparing the workshops for their respective departments. Already, the departments of education, design, prayer, and worship are preparing the special workshops. They will focus on themes such as the “OTM Curriculum”, “How to make Instagram images for OTM”, “What is Prayer?”, and “How to prepare worship for service?” respectively.
The goal of these videos is to make the members feel more connected and inspired. OTM aims to do this by having the teen leaders make the video lessons. The “Teen to Teen” teaching method can help new members feel more related to and inspired to grow in their faith so that they can also give lectures in the future. This can help to highlight potentials everyone has.
As student leaders are growing to educate and help raise other teens, it shows a new level of growth for OTM. Please pray that God can use this to empower new teen members, so that they can grow and serve for God’s Kingdom from a young age.