OTM Mongolian Members Join in Membership Training

On March 3, Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) Mongolian membership training was conducted via a membership training video that was held by OTM HQ.
They were taught Creation and Fall and attended by two members who received great grace. One member reviewed herself through many deep questions, and, through the Word, shared a profound testimony of the Lord’s love.
One member said, “I saw the downside of my faith- I was skeptical in God. I wanted to love God, but I also saw that I was looking for something other than God. I wanted to love God, but I had questioned upon why God, who is a God of love, wanted us to love him. But after learning about true love today, I got the answer. I am loved by God. So I want to love God back. I understand that the wisdom of God is truly greater than the wisdom of this world. I think the things of this world are better, but I wonder what would happen if God’s wisdom was really greater.”
They will again learn how to spread the gospel and teach the Bible. Please pray for them to continue learning the love of the Lord and have a beautiful response back.